VN 40nm 99.9%

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  • VN 40nm 99.9%

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 VN 40nm 99.9%

Technical parameters
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Average particle size (nm)
Purity (%)
Specific surface area (m 2 / g)
Bulk density (g / cm 3)
> 99.0
The main features of nano vanadium nitride ultrafine vanadium nitride powder prepared through a special process, the product particle size distribution, production, applied to a carbide aspect, high surface activity can be well dispersed in the alloy material , play an alloy dispersion strengthening effect. VN, alias of vanadium nitride is a new alloy additives, alternative vanadium and iron for the production of micro-alloyed steel. VN added to steel to improve the mechanical properties of strength, toughness, ductility and resistance to thermal fatigue resistance of steel and steel with good weldability. Achieve the same strength, add VN to save 30-40% of the amount of vanadium to join, thereby reducing costs.
One of vanadium nitride can be used for structural steel, tool steel, pipeline steel, steel and cast iron.Vanadium nitrogen alloy used in high strength low alloy steel at the same time the effective vanadium, nitrogen, micro-alloying, to promote the precipitation of carbon in the steel, vanadium, and nitrogen compounds, play a more effective settlement strengthening and grain refinement effect;
2 with very high thermal and chemical stability and strong mechanical properties of vanadium nitride (VN), widely used in cutting tools, grinding tools and structure of materials; also a good catalyst with high catalytic activity and high selectivity, good stability and anti-toxic properties. The granular VN can effectively improve the catalytic activity, to improve the toughness of structural materials. 



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